Multinational AI Consortium (MAGIC) Proposes Exclusive Global Control to Ensure Safe and Equitable Advanced AI Development

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Multinational AI Consortium (MAGIC) Proposes Exclusive Global Control to Ensure Safe and Equitable Advanced AI Development

13th October, 2013 – A groundbreaking proposal known as the Multinational Artificial General Intelligence Consortium (MAGIC) has emerged, suggesting a radical approach to the development of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to mitigate the existential risks associated with unchecked AI advancements. MAGIC seeks to become the sole institution globally allowed to develop advanced AI, with a universal moratorium enforced by signatory nations on all other advanced AI development.

This visionary concept is driven by concerns regarding the potential societal-scale threats posed by uncontrolled Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) systems. AGI, which remains a subject of debate in terms of its exact definition, is commonly understood as “superintelligent” or “highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work.” The risks surrounding AGI have sparked a global chorus of voices from policymakers, technologists, and governance experts calling for a coordinated international effort to regulate this burgeoning technology.

MAGIC’s proposal distinguishes itself from other AI governance models by advocating for pre-development oversight. Instead of post-hoc auditing and verification, which can be inadequate due to AI’s rapid improvement during training, MAGIC proposes centralized, tightly controlled, and constant supervision of advanced AI models. This would include the capability to halt training if signs of dangerous capabilities emerge. Simultaneously, MAGIC envisions a global moratorium on all unofficial AGI development, effectively monopolizing AGI development in a highly secure, exclusive facility.

MAGIC’s core characteristics are outlined as follows:


MAGIC aims to be the world’s sole advanced AI facility, holding a monopoly on the development of advanced AI models, with a ban on AI model proliferation elsewhere.


It focuses on the development of AI systems designed with safety in mind, including the creation of new architectures and constraints on existing AI systems.


MAGIC is committed to maintaining some of the world’s most secure facilities, with strict protocols for information security.


Supported on an international scale, the benefits of AI systems would be equitably distributed among all member countries.

MAGIC’s proposal underscores that the majority of current AI development, especially in domains such as medical imaging and fraud detection, would remain unaffected. These systems operate within specific domains, and while misuse risks exist, they are largely controllable through human oversight.

It’s important to note that the proposal does not delve into the political feasibility of implementing this international regime or the specific legislative strategies and rules required to enforce a ban on high-capacity AGI training runs. The document suggests a plausible path forward, with national moratoriums in countries like the United States forming the basis for an international treaty and the establishment of MAGIC.

In conclusion, the proposal does not present MAGIC as the sole solution but rather as one possible scenario to effectively halt unchecked advanced AI development and reduce large-scale risks. As AI capabilities continue to accelerate, the urgency of instituting inclusive oversight and responsible development becomes increasingly apparent. MAGIC, as envisioned, can enact a global moratorium on unauthorized models while fostering safety-focused progress within well-defined parameters. The ultimate goal is not to prohibit advanced AI but to ensure its careful stewardship, harnessing its potential for the benefit of all while actively monitoring and managing associated risks.

This proposal, alongside other potential governance models, marks a significant step forward in addressing the pressing need for international cooperation in managing advanced AI technologies.